Prebymeme II
- in about 25 words each, answer the following five questions; It will become obvious I can't count (or that I averaged the answers across questions
- tag five presbyterian bloggers and send them a note to let them know they were tagged; nah...I don't do chain mail or chain memes
- be sure to link to the orginal post, leave a comment or send a trackback to this post so others can find you;
- What is your favorite faith-based hymn, song or chorus?
I have to pick 1? let's see, there's Once to Every Man and Nation (361 in the red hymnbook); CPE this summer had me singing Precious Lord, Take My Hand (404 in the blue); I always liked Be Still My Soul (red 374); and O Worship the King [but in the red (#26), I don't know where the "chariots of light" in the blue came from, but it sure wasn't Psalm 104]; Here, O My Lord I See Thee Face to Face [But in the red (#442). The blue had to monkey around with it (making all of it plural and changing the order of the verses and not including the one about the banquet being fellowship with God). You can go with the RCA and get all the verses. It's much more powerful to me in the original first person singular]; My Jesus, I Love Thee (red 405); I Love to Tell The Story (red 383); I am beginning to realize how few of my favorites made it to the blue book.
You call the question? OK, I probably have to go with How Great Thou Art (Blue 467)
Note: Although I listen to and enjoy contemporary songs, they generally don't touch the heart of me in the same way. (although I am partial to the Don Francisco song about Balaam's donkey)
- What was the context, content and/or topic of the last sermon that truly touched, convicted, inspired, challenged, comforted and/or otherwise moved you?
A fellow seminarian preached in chapel about the totally irrational, yet totally irresistible cross. He used 1 Corinthians 1:18-31.
- If you could have all Presbyterians read just one of your previous posts, what would it be and why?
I don't blog for them; can't say that I could suggest one.
- What are three PC(USA) flavored blogs you read on a regular basis?
Classical Presbyterian, a Church for Starving Artists, Quotidian Grace
- If the PC(USA) were a movie, what would it be and why?
Lion King -- In the beginning things are as they are supposed to be, a balance of divers environments and creatures, governed by Mufassa who understands noblesse oblige and that with power comes accountability and a responsibility to work within the system and created order for the greater welfare of the whole, not the individual desires of a few. Scar overthrows the right powers by deceit and sets up a power structure based on his own desires for satisfaction. He governs by fear and intimidation, and leaves the land scarred and barren. In the end, the rightful King comes to restore the kingdom to its intended state and order is restored amongst all the creatures.
Thanks for taking the time to offer your thoughts. Line King . . . nice call. - Bruce
Nice answerss! Esp. last one for movie!
We will not have CIF online until (guess-timate) January. So, do feel free to contact me! My e-mail is on info page.
The whole interim stuff is new to me and I am learning as I go.
Oh, love your picture on blog too!
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