04 January 2008

New Year's Friday Five

Sally at RevGalBlogPals writes: Well it had to be didn't it, love them or hate them I bet you've been asked about New Year resolutions. So with no more fuss here is this weeks Friday Five;

1. Do you make New Year resolutions?
no. Although I make resolutions throughout the year as the spirit leads (read: Hits me up side the head) I don't go for the artificial imposition of the calendar year as a time frame.

2. Is this something you take seriously, or is it a bit of fun?
New year's: non sequiter
Spirit with 2x4: very seriously

3. Share one goal for 2008.
gain candidacy status -- lots of essays and long drives with examinations. (while continuing studies and doing CPE)
I also want to reestablish my health. This year has been rough, surgery last week hopefully resolved most of it, but I want to not have to spend half (or more) of my energy on what ought to be normal.

4. Money is no barrier, share one wild/ impossible dream for 2008
a time of solitude, rest, peace and recuperation at the river (requires airfare and time)

5. Someone wants to publish a story of your year in 2008, what will the title of that book be?
A middle aged woman [finally] answers God's call: The journey continues


Terri said...

I can be a little obtuse, but I like to think I get the point when hit with the spiritual 2X4....

I hope you get that time by the river.

Jan said...

I like that title--mainly because I went to seminary in middle age, but then I decided against ordained ministry. Glad you're going forward.